Image by delo from Pixabay “The green reed which bends in the wind is stronger than the mighty oak which breaks in a storm.” ― Confucius I was asked to pair Blog with Lena Weiberg - much to my shock and delight. This was the perfect opportunity to hear another point of view on something, and share it with the wider community. ~ Part of being a good tester, to me, is making sure I stay aware of the trends in development. Knowing how the team is working can help get comments and questions to them at the proper times, and has the information that can be acted on. In this quest, I attended a recent online conversation where the topic was primarily on the size of 'steps' taken in software development: making sure each step takes a reasonable amount of time, that it leaves the system in a state that isn't worse than it was before the change, and that could - if needed - be deployed at this point. The concept...
The short-post ramblings of a 'sandwich generation' person who is trying to make a second career around her child and parent (and is financially dependent on them). The posts will be short: simply due to time constraints.